Feliz Cumpleanos!!!! Each month every missionary who has a birthday receives a small a loaf of banana bread. They love it!
Shara, our daughter in law had her mom collect skirts for the new church members in Nauta. All of these sisters are new members or investigators of the church. They were thrilled to receive a new piece of clothing.
The sisters had so much fun sorting through the suitcase full of skirts.
This new branch out grew their casa capilla (house chapel) they moved to a new location to accomodate their growing numbers. This group of saints are pioneers in the church. Ten months is the longest time any of them have been members. They have great faith!
Here is a boat load of bananas going down the river to market.
Recently we were given permission to make a trip down river from Nauta, to a jungle city named San Regis. The only avenue of transportation was by river. We were looking for some church members who were baptized four years ago. In the jungle regions of Peru we see some of the most beautiful cloud formations.
River transportation is the primary mode of transportation in the jungle regions of Peru.
When we arrived in San Regis we were met by curious little children. They each gladly accepted an article of faith card. They were our tour guides through out the city.
This man is the mayor of San Regis. He made this fishing net by hand and is doing some repairs on it. He invited us into his home where we taught him a lesson about the importance of families and marriage.
Four years ago these people had traveled to Nauta to be baptized. It took them all day by paddle boat to get to Nauta. After they were baptized they returned to their pueblo. President Blunck hopes to set up a family group so they can receive church materials and meet together.
These misssionaries had the unique opportunity to scout out a new pueblo.
When we arrived in San Regis these woman greeting our boat with all the goods they were trying to sell that day to make a few soles.
Here is the group that traveled to San Regis. It took us about 1.5 hours to travel by jet boat south of Nauta.
You can see the excitement on these missionaries faces as they put on their life jackets to make a river trip to San Regis. We were given special permission to make this trip to find some members that had been baptized It was a fabulous experience!
In Peru many people do not have refrigerators so they go to market everyday to buy fresh meat and produce.
In Nauta since we do not have a church building we use a portable baptismal font to perform baptisms in.
This baptismal service was for two neices that are living with a family that was already baptized.
Our senior couple, the Nelsons look on as this Elder baptizes.
Our daugter in law Shara's dream when she visited the jungle of Peru was to hold a monkey. While out doing apartment checks one afternoon the owners showed us their tiny monkey. Not only did she get to hold her first monkey she also got introduced to their pet parrot.
Stephen, our son acts like he is thrilled to have this bird on his shoulder but he is wondering if his ear will stay intact. Stephen and Shara got to travel with us when we did apartment checks and interviews this last month. They were thrilled to meet our missionaries.
These next several pictures depict some of the animals you find in the jungles of Peru.
Karl ( my grandson) this picture is for you. I know you like dragons.
Alligators come in varying sizes.
As well as the bugs.
This jaguar is a magnificent animal. I would not want to meet him in the wild.
McCaw parrots are beautiful but noisy.
Always looking for adventure.
This is a planning meeting with zone leaders and the assistants in Pucallpa. The mission is set up so the assistants help the president with training the missionaries. Zone leaders are in charge of about twenty missionaries. These young men learn great leadership skills while on their missions.
While in Pucallpa we visited a native village called San Fransisco. They are known for their unique ceramic work. This litte girl is holding a piggy bank she wanted us to buy for 5 soles. In US dollors that is about $1.50.
This man is holding a couple of pieces of the pottery he fires in his home made oven.
These three little boys from the village wanted to sing us a song for a sole. When we said yes they belted out a song. How surprised they were when we gave them each a sole for singing us a song.
Here is a native women making a bracelet. She is holding the strings with her toes to make it tight.
Elder Borquez, Elder Lopez and Elder Smith enjoying a moment together at their farewell dinner.
Elder Tunnel and Elder Sandaval. Elder Sandaval is working hard to learn English during his mission. They are great missionaries.
Outside of Tarapoto Peru lives another group of native people. Here this native woman has just harvested a crop of corn which she put in the bag on the horse. Most native people do not wear any shoes.
Here these men are building a casa out of large adobe bricks. They fill this foundation with clay and they stomp it down with their bare feet until it is compacted. The foundation is lifted and the sun dries the clay.
We were passing through this town on a festival day and found these children in their native costumes.
While Stephen and Shara were visiting us we held a FHE for all the elders who serve in Lima. Here we are visiting with a few of the elders after the FHE.