Saturday, June 2, 2012

Many people wonder why our church sends out missionaries. 
 This is a great question. 
This family was recently baptized after having been taught by Elder Sanchez and Elder Smith.  The missionary effort of our church is based on the New Testament pattern of missionaries serving in pairs, teaching the gospel and baptizing believers in Jesus Christ. At any one time
our church has about 52,000 missionaries serving in various parts of the world.  Missionaries are only sent to countries where governments allow the Church to operate.  In some parts of the world our missionaries are not allowed to preach but serve in humanitarian causes.  If you
have other questions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints many of your questions can be answered by going to:
The gospel of Jesus Christ changes our personal lives and
changes the lives of families.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Our missionaries teach people with open minds and hearts about this doctrine and invite people to "come unto Him".  

Our mission has many contrasts. There is a drastic difference between the jungle cities and Lima. About half of our missionaries are serving in the jungle cities of Iquitos, Pucallpa, Tarapoto, Nauta, Moyobamba, Rioja, Nueva Cajamarca, Soritor, Campo Verde and Yurimaguas. 

In some parts of the jungle living conditions are very rustic.  Sometimes the power goes out and at times the water supply is limited. Despite these limitations the work of the Lord continues. 
When the president travels to the districts of the church (small congregations) he is the visiting priesthood leader and is respoinsible to interview people with various needs.  The other night he was right in the middle of interviews when the power went out, not just for a few minutes but for two hours.  With lots of people waiting for interviews he improvised and moved to the back patio where he conducted the rest of the interviews by moonlight. The Lords work needed to continue.  Thank goodness for the warm moonlit nights in the jungle. 

 The other half of our missionaries serve in Lima. Lima is a massive city and our mission has some of the most northern cities. These include. Wiesse, Canto Grande, Magnolias, Comas, Carabayllo, Indenpendencia, and Tahuantinsuyo.  We try and see all the missionaries once a month.   
 Traffic in the jungle.
 Traffic in Lima.
 We finished up our last zone conferences in Lima this week.
For you moms or dads still looking for your missionary, hopefully, they are in one of these zone pictures.  If you haven't found them in the last serveral posts maybe you are looking in the wrong mission.  I have tried to take everyones picture.   
This is zona Wiesse.

 Zona Magnolias
 Zona Canto Grande
 We are glad to have these new elders in our mission.
Elder Woolstenhulme and Elder Anderson from Utah and
Elder Maldonado from Honduras. 
 Zona Pucallpa, baptismal service. 
 "The purpose of the gospel is make bad men good and good men better and to change human nature." 
That is why our missionaries serve missions so they can invite
others to come unto Christ.  As they serve they find themselves and
they come to know Christ themselves. 
It is a privilege to serve with them and along side of them. 
 The jungles of Peru.
 Since it continually rains in the jungle, there are many rivers flowing.
These rivers wind throughout the jungle. 
During heavy rains they always look dirty from all
the dirt that is washed in. 

1 comment:

  1. Zona Comas? Maybe next time. Thanks for everything you do for our sons and daughters. Stephanie Huntsman
